{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: { home = { # This value determines the Home Manager release that your # configuration is compatible with. This helps avoid breakage # when a new Home Manager release introduces backwards # incompatible changes. # # You can update Home Manager without changing this value. See # the Home Manager release notes for a list of state version # changes in each release. stateVersion = "23.05"; shellAliases = let proxy = ""; in { # navigation "l" = "${pkgs.eza}/bin/eza -Fhl --icons --git"; "ll" = "${pkgs.eza}/bin/eza -Fahl --icons --git"; "ls" = "${pkgs.eza}/bin/eza -F --icons --git"; "la" = "${pkgs.eza}/bin/eza -Fa --icons --git"; "tree" = "${pkgs.eza}/bin/eza --icons --git --tree"; ".." = "cd .."; # replacements #"code" = "codium"; #"neofetch" = "fastfetch"; #"ranger" = "joshuto"; # rust #"grep" = "rg"; #"top" = "btm -b"; #"htop" = "btm -b"; #"btop" = "btm"; "farsee" = "curl -F 'c=@-' 'https://fars.ee/'"; # pb "clock" = "tty-clock -5Ccs"; # proxy "setproxy" = "export https_proxy=${proxy} http_proxy=${proxy} all_proxy=${proxy}"; "unsetproxy" = "set -e http_proxy https_proxy all_proxy"; # fish syntax (?) }; sessionVariables = { # misc "MANPAGER" = "sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'"; # man: use bat as man's pager "MANROFFOPT" = "-c"; # man: fix formatting issue with bat "SKIM_DEFAULT_COMMAND" = "fd --type f || git ls-tree -r --name-only head || rg --files || find ."; # skim: use fd by default }; }; programs = { # Let Home Manager install and manage itself. home-manager.enable = true; bash = { enable = true; historyFile = "${config.xdg.configHome}/bash/.bash_history"; }; zsh = { enable = true; syntaxHighlighting.enable = true; historySubstringSearch.enable = true; enableAutosuggestions = true; dotDir = ".config/zsh"; initExtra = '' source ${config.xdg.configHome}/zsh/plugins/sudo/sudo.plugin.zsh source ${config.xdg.configHome}/zsh/plugins/fzf-tab/fzf-tab.plugin.zsh zstyle ':fzf-tab:*' fzf-command sk ''; history = { path = "${config.xdg.configHome}/zsh/.zsh_history"; save = 1000000; size = 1000000; }; }; fish = { enable = true; interactiveShellInit = '' set fish_greeting source ${config.xdg.configHome}/fish/tokyonight_night.fish ''; }; tealdeer.enable = true; zoxide.enable = true; starship = { enable = true; settings = { add_newline = false; aws.disabled = true; gcloud.disabled = true; line_break.disabled = true; }; }; #eza = { # enable = true; # git = true; # icons = true; #}; git = { enable = true; userName = "Guanran Wang"; userEmail = "guanran928@outlook.com"; delta.enable = true; }; alacritty = { enable = true; settings = { import = [ "${config.xdg.configHome}/alacritty/tokyonight/tokyonight_night.yml" ]; cursor.style = "beam"; env.WINIT_X11_SCALE_FACTOR = "1"; window = { #opacity = 0.9; padding = { x = 12; y = 12; }; }; font = { size = 12; normal = { family = lib.mkDefault "monospace"; # macOS dont have fontconfig, so mkDefault is nessesary style = "SemiBold"; }; bold = { family = lib.mkDefault "monospace"; style = "Bold"; }; bold_italic = { family = lib.mkDefault "monospace"; style = "Bold Itailc"; }; italic = { family = lib.mkDefault "monospace"; style = "SemiBold Italic"; }; }; }; }; # Editors ### VSCode vscode = { enable = true; package = pkgs.vscodium; # foss enableExtensionUpdateCheck = false; enableUpdateCheck = false; userSettings = { "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace" = false; "editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation" = "on"; "editor.cursorBlinking" = "smooth"; "editor.fontFamily" = lib.mkDefault "Monospace"; "editor.fontWeight" = "600"; "editor.tabSize" = 2; "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop" = false; "explorer.confirmDelete" = false; "files.autoSave" = "onFocusChange"; "files.trimTrailingWhitespace" = true; "files.trimFinalNewlines" = true; "security.workspace.trust.enabled" = false; "telemetry.telemetryLevel" = "off"; "terminal.external.osxExec" = "Alacritty.app"; "terminal.integrated.cursorBlinking" = true; "update.mode" = "none"; "window.menuBarVisibility" = "toggle"; "workbench.colorTheme" = "Tokyo Night"; # Extensions ### Nix IDE "nix.enableLanguageServer" = true; #"nix.serverPath" = "nixd"; "nix.serverPath" = "nil"; ### GitLens "gitlens.telemetry.enabled" = false; }; extensions = with pkgs.vscode-extensions; [ # lsp #bbenoist.nix jnoortheen.nix-ide #ms-python.python # Temporary disable this, as debugpy is stuck at building (literally waited for 40 minute + 6 hour + 2 hour...) rust-lang.rust-analyzer tamasfe.even-better-toml #bungcip.better-toml # qol eamodio.gitlens esbenp.prettier-vscode ritwickdey.liveserver vscodevim.vim # theme enkia.tokyo-night #catppuccin.catppuccin-vsc-icons #catppuccin.catppuccin-vsc ]; }; ### Neovim neovim = { enable = true; #defaultEditor = true; viAlias = true; vimAlias = true; }; ### Helix helix = { enable = true; defaultEditor = true; settings = { theme = "tokyonight"; editor = { cursor-shape = { insert = "bar"; normal = "block"; select = "underline"; }; file-picker = { hidden = false; }; }; }; }; }; }