{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ./dotfiles.nix ../common/home.nix ]; home = { username = "guanranwang"; homeDirectory = "/Users/guanranwang"; # Workaround for spotlight indexing # https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/issues/1341#issuecomment-1705731962_ activation = { trampolineApps = let apps = pkgs.buildEnv { name = "home-manager-applications"; paths = config.home.packages; pathsToLink = "/Applications"; }; in lib.hm.dag.entryAfter [ "writeBoundary" ] '' toDir="$HOME/Applications/Home Manager Trampolines" fromDir="${apps}/Applications/" rm -rf "$toDir" mkdir "$toDir" ( cd "$fromDir" for app in *.app; do /usr/bin/osacompile -o "$toDir/$app" -e 'do shell script "open '$fromDir/$app'"' done ) ''; }; packages = with pkgs; [ #fastfetch neovim prismlauncher keka # un-archive-r iterm2 element-desktop eza bottom bat fd git ripgrep yt-dlp aria2 android-tools spotify spicetify-cli yesplaymusic mpv # replace outdated macOS components coreutils vim gnugrep openssh screen # LSP nixd nil ]; sessionVariables = { "https_proxy" = ""; "http_proxy" = ""; "socks_proxy" = "socks5://"; "all_proxy" = "socks5://"; }; }; # macOS don't have fontconfig programs = let monospace = "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font"; in { vscode.userSettings = { "editor.fontFamily" = "${monospace}"; }; alacritty.settings.font = { normal = { family = "${monospace}"; }; bold = { family = "${monospace}"; }; bold_italic = { family = "${monospace}"; }; italic = { family = "${monospace}"; }; }; }; }