{pkgs, ...}: { home = { username = "guanranwang"; homeDirectory = "/home/guanranwang"; packages = (with pkgs; [ # Messaging ### Matrix neochat # kinda buggy with window resizing, but it works and its not electron #nheko # wont let me login for some reason #fractal # does not work with Mozilla's SAML login ## # vvv 3 UI libraries I dislike vvv #cinny-desktop # # Tauri #element-desktop # # Electron #fluffychat # # Flutter ### Misc telegram-desktop #discord #qq # Misc bitwarden obs-studio gparted timeshift #tuba #piper #gradience #dippi ### Terminal # TUI joshuto bottom helix skim bat # CLI sops nix-output-monitor fastfetch wget ydict skim fd ripgrep eza zoxide trashy freshfetch hyperfine ]) ++ (with pkgs.gnome; [ nautilus zenity seahorse file-roller gnome-weather gnome-calculator dconf-editor ]); }; services.ssh-agent.enable = true; #programs.boxxy = { # enable = true; # #rules = { # # # #}; #}; }