{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: { users.users."guanranwang" = { isNormalUser = true; description = "Guanran Wang"; extraGroups = [ "wheel" # administrator "networkmanager" # access to networkmanager "tss" # access to tpm devices "vboxusers" # access to virtualbox "nix-access-tokens" # access to github tokens "libvirtd" # access to virt-manager ]; hashedPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets."hashed-passwd".path; shell = pkgs.fish; packages = []; }; programs.fish.enable = true; myFlake.nixos.networking.dns.provider = lib.mkDefault "alidns"; users.groups."nix-access-tokens" = {}; nix.extraOptions = "!include ${config.sops.secrets.nix-access-tokens.path}"; ### Flakes imports = [ ../../../../../nixos/flake-modules/sops-nix.nix ../../../../../nixos/flake-modules/home-manager.nix ]; ### sops-nix sops = { defaultSopsFile = ../../../secrets/secrets.yaml; age.sshKeyPaths = ["/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key"]; gnupg.sshKeyPaths = []; secrets = { "hashed-passwd" = { neededForUsers = true; }; "nix-access-tokens" = { group = config.users.groups."nix-access-tokens".name; mode = "0440"; }; }; }; ### home-manager home-manager.users.guanranwang = import ./home; }