{ lib, config, inputs, modulesPath, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ "${modulesPath}/virtualisation/amazon-image.nix" ../../nixos/profiles/server ./anti-feature.nix ]; time.timeZone = "Asia/Tokyo"; boot.loader.grub.device = lib.mkForce "/dev/nvme0n1"; system.stateVersion = "23.11"; swapDevices = [ { device = "/var/lib/swapfile"; size = 4 * 1024; # 4 GiB } ]; # WORKAROUND: systemd.services."print-host-key".enable = false; # FIXME: # error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/h0wkpjfh0hr1vswyz2f7wk8n03yj0l81-linux-6.10-modules.drv' failed to build boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages; ### Secrets sops.secrets = lib.mapAttrs (_name: value: value // {sopsFile = ./secrets.yaml;}) { "hysteria/auth" = { restartUnits = ["hysteria.service"]; }; "pixivfe/environment" = { restartUnits = ["pixivfe.service"]; }; "searx/environment" = { restartUnits = ["searx.service"]; }; "miniflux/environment" = { restartUnits = ["miniflux.service"]; }; }; ### Services networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [443]; # hysteria networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [80 443]; # caddy systemd.tmpfiles.settings = { "10-www" = { "/var/www/robots/robots.txt".C.argument = toString ./robots.txt; "/var/www/matrix/client".C.argument = toString ./matrix-client.json; "/var/www/matrix/server".C.argument = toString ./matrix-server.json; }; }; services.caddy = { enable = true; configFile = pkgs.substituteAll { src = ./Caddyfile; "element" = pkgs.element-web.override { element-web-unwrapped = pkgs.element-web-unwrapped.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { version = "1.11.70"; src = oldAttrs.src.overrideAttrs { outputHash = "sha256-UzSqChCa94LqaQpMzwQGPX3G2xxOpP3jp5OvR1iBzRs="; }; offlineCache = oldAttrs.offlineCache.overrideAttrs { outputHash = "sha256-M4FTUtx7vpZIEdu/NM98/zIDGyPOtfocrj29/qChyyQ="; }; }); conf.default_server_config."m.homeserver" = { base_url = "https://matrix.ny4.dev"; server_name = "ny4.dev"; }; }; "mastodon" = pkgs.mastodon; }; }; services.hysteria = { enable = true; settings = { auth = { type = "userpass"; userpass = { _secret = "/run/credentials/hysteria.service/auth"; quote = false; }; }; masquerade = { type = "proxy"; proxy.url = "https://ny4.dev/"; }; tls = { cert = "/run/credentials/hysteria.service/cert"; key = "/run/credentials/hysteria.service/key"; }; }; }; systemd.services."hysteria".serviceConfig.LoadCredential = [ # FIXME: remove hardcoded path "auth:${config.sops.secrets."hysteria/auth".path}" "cert:/var/lib/caddy/.local/share/caddy/certificates/acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org-directory/tyo0.ny4.dev/tyo0.ny4.dev.crt" "key:/var/lib/caddy/.local/share/caddy/certificates/acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org-directory/tyo0.ny4.dev/tyo0.ny4.dev.key" ]; # `journalctl -u murmur.service | grep Password` services.murmur = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; bandwidth = 256 * 1024; # 256 Kbit/s }; services.searx = { enable = true; package = pkgs.searxng; environmentFile = config.sops.secrets."searx/environment".path; settings = { general.contact_url = "mailto:guanran928@outlook.com"; search.autocomplete = "google"; server = { port = 8100; secret_key = "@SEARX_SECRET@"; }; }; }; services.wastebin = { enable = true; settings.WASTEBIN_ADDRESS_PORT = ""; }; services.uptime-kuma = { enable = true; settings.PORT = "8300"; }; services.ntfy-sh = { enable = true; settings = { base-url = "https://ntfy.ny4.dev"; listen-http = ""; listen-unix = "/run/ntfy-sh/ntfy.sock"; listen-unix-mode = 511; # 0777 behind-proxy = true; }; }; systemd.services.ntfy-sh.serviceConfig.RuntimeDirectory = ["ntfy-sh"]; services.pixivfe = { enable = true; EnvironmentFile = config.sops.secrets."pixivfe/environment".path; settings = { PIXIVFE_UNIXSOCKET = "/run/pixivfe/pixiv.sock"; PIXIVFE_IMAGEPROXY = "https://i.pixiv.re"; }; }; systemd.services.pixivfe.serviceConfig = { RuntimeDirectory = ["pixivfe"]; ExecStartPost = pkgs.writeShellScript "pixivfe-unixsocket" '' ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/sleep 5 ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod 777 /run/pixivfe/pixiv.sock ''; }; services.keycloak = { enable = true; settings = { cache = "local"; hostname = "id.ny4.dev"; http-host = ""; http-port = 8800; proxy = "edge"; # proxy-headers = "xforwarded"; # FIXME: Key material not provided to setup HTTPS. }; database.passwordFile = toString (pkgs.writeText "password" "keycloak"); }; # TODO: eventually, use blog homepage services.homepage-dashboard = { enable = true; listenPort = 9200; settings = { useEqualHeights = true; cardBlur = "sm"; layout."Services" = { style = "row"; columns = "4"; }; }; services = let getDesc = pkg: pkg.meta.description; mapAttrsToList' = lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value: {"${name}" = value;}); # also sorts the thing alphabetically in mapAttrsToList' { "Services" = mapAttrsToList' { "Mumble" = { description = "${getDesc pkgs.mumble} (Connect with tyo0.ny4.dev:64738)"; }; "Ntfy" = { description = getDesc pkgs.ntfy; href = "https://ntfy.ny4.dev/"; }; "Redlib" = { description = getDesc pkgs.redlib; href = "https://reddit.ny4.dev/"; }; "SearXNG" = { description = getDesc pkgs.searxng; href = "https://searx.ny4.dev/"; }; "Wastebin" = { description = getDesc pkgs.wastebin; href = "https://pb.ny4.dev/"; }; }; "Links" = mapAttrsToList' { "Blog".href = "https://blog.ny4.dev/"; "Forgejo".href = "https://git.ny4.dev/nyancat"; "GitHub".href = "https://github.com/Guanran928"; "Mastodon".herf = "https://mastodon.ny4.dev/@nyancat"; "Matrix".href = "https://matrix.to/#/@nyancat:ny4.dev"; }; "Private stuff" = mapAttrsToList' { "Forgejo" = { description = getDesc pkgs.forgejo; href = "https://git.ny4.dev/"; }; "Mastodon" = rec { description = getDesc pkgs.mastodon; href = "https://mastodon.ny4.dev/"; widget.type = "mastodon"; widget.url = href; }; "Matrix" = { description = getDesc pkgs.element-web; href = "https://element.ny4.dev/"; }; "Miniflux" = { description = getDesc pkgs.miniflux; href = "https://rss.ny4.dev/"; }; "PixivFE" = { description = getDesc inputs.self.legacyPackages.${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}.pixivfe; href = "https://pixiv.ny4.dev"; }; "Uptime Kuma" = { description = getDesc pkgs.uptime-kuma; href = "https://uptime.ny4.dev/"; }; }; }; }; services.forgejo = { enable = true; database.type = "postgres"; settings = { server = { DOMAIN = "git.ny4.dev"; PROTOCOL = "http+unix"; ROOT_URL = "https://git.ny4.dev/"; SSH_DOMAIN = "tyo0.ny4.dev"; }; service = { ALLOW_ONLY_EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION = true; }; }; }; services.miniflux = { enable = true; adminCredentialsFile = config.sops.secrets."miniflux/environment".path; config = { LISTEN_ADDR = ""; BASE_URL = "https://rss.ny4.dev"; OAUTH2_PROVIDER = "oidc"; OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = "miniflux"; # OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET = "replace_me"; # EnvironmentFile OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URL = "https://rss.ny4.dev/oauth2/oidc/callback"; OAUTH2_OIDC_DISCOVERY_ENDPOINT = "https://id.ny4.dev/realms/ny4"; }; }; services.libreddit = { enable = true; package = pkgs.redlib; address = ""; port = 9400; }; ### Prevents me from bankrupt # https://fmk.im/p/shutdown-aws/ services.vnstat.enable = true; systemd.services."no-bankrupt" = { serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; path = with pkgs; [coreutils gawk vnstat systemd]; script = '' TRAFF_TOTAL=1900 TRAFF_USED=$(vnstat --oneline b | awk -F ';' '{print $11}') CHANGE_TO_GB=$(($TRAFF_USED / 1073741824)) if [ $CHANGE_TO_GB -gt $TRAFF_TOTAL ]; then shutdown -h now fi ''; }; systemd.timers."no-bankrupt" = { timerConfig.OnCalendar = "*:0:0"; # Check every hour }; }