--[[ 说明: unicode display filter 字符转Unicode码滤镜 2022年11月9日 Shitlime 2023年2月13日 飞梧 合并字集lua,显示单字字集及Unicode码 使用步骤: 0. 在rime.lua添加如下一行: unicode_info = require("unicode_info") -- Unicode显示滤镜 1. 在方案“filters: #过滤器”中添加如下一行: - lua_filter@unicode_info #lua unicode显示滤镜 2. 在方案“switches: #开关”中添加名为uninfo的开关,对本滤镜进行控制: 例: - name: uninfo reset: 1 states: [ 〇, JU] # reset指定是否默认开启,1是默认开启,0默认关闭,若常用可以默认开启 ]]-- local function ziji(danzi) local ji = "" if 0x4e00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x9fff then ji = "基本" elseif 0x3400 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x4dbf then ji = "扩A" elseif 0x20000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2a6df then ji = "扩B" elseif 0x2a700 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2b73f then ji = "扩C" elseif 0x2b740 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2b81f then ji = "扩D" elseif 0x2b820 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2ceaf then ji = "扩E" elseif 0x2ceb0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2ebef then ji = "扩F" elseif 0x30000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x3134f then ji = "扩G" elseif 0x31350 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x323af then ji = "扩H" elseif 0xf900 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xfaff then if danzi == 0xfa0e or danzi == 0xfa0f or danzi == 0xfa11 or danzi == 0xfa13 or danzi == 0xfa14 or danzi == 0xfa1f or danzi == 0xfa21 or danzi == 0xfa23 or danzi == 0xfa24 or danzi == 0xfa27 or danzi == 0xfa28 or danzi == 0xfa29 then --﨎﨏﨑﨓﨔﨟﨡﨣﨤﨧﨨﨩 ji = "兼容区12统一字" else ji = "兼容字" end elseif 0x2f800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2fa1f then ji = "兼容字补" elseif 0x31c0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x31ef then ji = "笔画" elseif 0x2e80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2eff then ji = "部首补" elseif 0x2f00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2fdf then ji = "康熙部首" elseif 0xe000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xf8ff then ji = "PUA" elseif 0xf0000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xfffff then ji = "PUA扩A" elseif 0x100000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10ffff then ji = "PUA扩B" elseif 0x2ff0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2ffb then ji = "IDS" elseif 0x3100 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x312f then ji = "注音" elseif 0x31a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x31bf then ji = "注音符号扩" elseif 0x0000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x007f then ji = "拉丁文" elseif 0x0080 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x00ff then ji = "拉丁文补" elseif 0x0100 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x017f then ji = "拉丁语扩A" elseif 0x0180 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x024f then ji = "拉丁语扩B" elseif 0x0250 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x02af then ji = "国际音标扩" elseif 0x02b0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x02ff then ji = "间距修饰符" elseif 0x0300 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x036f then ji = "组合变音标记" elseif 0x0370 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x03ff then ji = "希腊文" elseif 0x0400 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x04ff then ji = "西里尔文" elseif 0x0500 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x052f then ji = "西里尔文补" elseif 0x0530 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x058f then ji = "亚美尼亚语" elseif 0x0590 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x05ff then ji = "希伯来文" elseif 0x0600 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x06ff then ji = "阿拉伯语" elseif 0x0700 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x074f then ji = "叙利亚文" elseif 0x0750 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x077f then ji = "阿拉伯语补" elseif 0x0780 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x07bf then ji = "它拿字母" elseif 0x07c0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x07ff then ji = "西非书面文字" elseif 0x0800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x083f then ji = "撒玛利亚字母" elseif 0x0840 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x085f then ji = "曼达文" elseif 0x0860 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x086f then ji = "叙利亚文补" elseif 0x08a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x08ff then ji = "阿拉伯语扩A" elseif 0x0900 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x097f then ji = "梵文" elseif 0x0980 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x09ff then ji = "孟加拉语" elseif 0x0a00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x0a7f then ji = "古木基文" elseif 0x0a80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x0aff then ji = "古吉拉特文" elseif 0x0b00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x0b7f then ji = "奥里亚语" elseif 0x0b80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x0bff then ji = "泰米尔语" elseif 0x0c00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x0c7f then ji = "泰卢固语" elseif 0x0c80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x0cff then ji = "卡纳达语" elseif 0x0d00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x0d7f then ji = "马拉雅拉姆语" elseif 0x0d80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x0dff then ji = "僧伽罗语" elseif 0x0e00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x0e7f then ji = "泰语" elseif 0x0e80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x0eff then ji = "老挝语" elseif 0x0f00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x0fff then ji = "藏文" elseif 0x1000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x109f then ji = "缅甸语" elseif 0x10a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10ff then ji = "格鲁吉亚语" elseif 0x1100 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x11ff then ji = "韩文字母" elseif 0x1200 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x137f then ji = "阿姆哈拉语" elseif 0x1380 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x139f then ji = "阿姆哈拉语补" elseif 0x13a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x13ff then ji = "切罗基语" elseif 0x1400 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x167f then ji = "加拿大原住民音节" elseif 0x1680 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x169f then ji = "欧甘字母" elseif 0x16a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x16ff then ji = "卢恩字母" elseif 0x1700 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x171f then ji = "他加禄语" elseif 0x1720 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x173f then ji = "哈努诺文" elseif 0x1740 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x175f then ji = "布希德文" elseif 0x1760 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x177f then ji = "塔格巴努亚文" elseif 0x1780 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x17ff then ji = "高棉语" elseif 0x1800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x18af then ji = "蒙古语" elseif 0x18b0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x18ff then ji = "加拿大原住民音节扩" elseif 0x1900 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x194f then ji = "林布语" elseif 0x1950 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x197f then ji = "德宏傣文" elseif 0x1980 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x19df then ji = "傣仂语" elseif 0x19e0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x19ff then ji = "高棉符号" elseif 0x1a00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1a1f then ji = "布吉语" elseif 0x1a20 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1aaf then ji = "老傣文" elseif 0x1ab0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1aff then ji = "结合变音符号扩" elseif 0x1b00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1b7f then ji = "巴厘语" elseif 0x1b80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1bbf then ji = "巽他语" elseif 0x1bc0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1bff then ji = "巴塔克语" elseif 0x1c00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1c4f then ji = "绒巴文" elseif 0x1c50 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1c7f then ji = "桑塔利语字母" elseif 0x1c80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1c8f then ji = "西里尔文扩C" elseif 0x1c90 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1cbf then ji = "格鲁吉亚文扩" elseif 0x1cc0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1ccf then ji = "巽他文补" elseif 0x1cd0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1cff then ji = "吠陀扩" elseif 0x1d00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1d7f then ji = "国际音标扩" elseif 0x1d80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1dbf then ji = "国际音标补" elseif 0x1dc0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1dff then ji = "结合变音标记补" elseif 0x1e00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1eff then ji = "拉丁语扩附加" elseif 0x1f00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1fff then ji = "希腊语扩" elseif 0x2000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x206f then ji = "标点" elseif 0x2070 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x209f then ji = "上标和下标" elseif 0x20a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x20cf then ji = "货币符号" elseif 0x20d0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x20ff then ji = "结合符号变音符号" elseif 0x2100 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x214f then ji = "类字母符号" elseif 0x2150 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x218f then ji = "数字" elseif 0x2190 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x21ff then ji = "箭头" elseif 0x2200 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x22ff then ji = "数运" elseif 0x2300 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x23ff then ji = "杂项技术符号" elseif 0x2400 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x243f then ji = "控制图片" elseif 0x2440 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x245f then ji = "光学字符识别" elseif 0x2460 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x24ff then ji = "带圈数字" elseif 0x2500 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x257f then ji = "制表符" elseif 0x2580 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x259f then ji = "方块元素" elseif 0x25a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x25ff then ji = "几何" elseif 0x2600 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x26ff then if 0x2630 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2637 then ji = "八卦" else ji = "杂项" end elseif 0x2700 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x27bf then ji = "装饰" elseif 0x27c0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x27ef then ji = "杂项数学符号-A" elseif 0x27f0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x27ff then ji = "补箭头-A" elseif 0x2800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x28ff then ji = "盲文" elseif 0x2900 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x297f then ji = "补箭头-B" elseif 0x2980 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x29ff then ji = "杂项数学符号-B" elseif 0x2a00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2aff then ji = "数学运算补" elseif 0x2b00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2bff then ji = "其他符号和箭头" elseif 0x2c00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2c5f then ji = "格拉哥里字母" elseif 0x2c60 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2c7f then ji = "拉丁语扩C" elseif 0x2c80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2cff then ji = "科普特文" elseif 0x2d00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2d2f then ji = "格鲁吉亚文补" elseif 0x2d30 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2d7f then ji = "提非纳字母" elseif 0x2d80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2ddf then ji = "阿姆哈拉语扩" elseif 0x2de0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2dff then ji = "西里尔文扩A" elseif 0x2e00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x2e7f then ji = "补标点符号" elseif 0x3000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x303f then ji = "符号和标点" elseif 0x3040 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x309f then ji = "平假名" elseif 0x30a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x30ff then ji = "片假名" elseif 0x3130 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x318f then ji = "韩文兼容字母" elseif 0x3190 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x319f then ji = "汉文训读" elseif 0x31f0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x31ff then ji = "假名扩" elseif 0x3200 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x32ff then ji = "括弧带圈字符" elseif 0x3300 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x33ff then ji = "兼容单位" elseif 0x4dc0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x4dff then ji = "六十四卦" elseif 0xa000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa48f then ji = "彝族音节" elseif 0xa490 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa4cf then ji = "彝族部首" elseif 0xa4d0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa4ff then ji = "傈僳语" elseif 0xa500 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa63f then ji = "瓦伊语" elseif 0xa640 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa69f then ji = "西里尔文扩B" elseif 0xa6a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa6ff then ji = "巴姆穆语" elseif 0xa700 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa71f then ji = "声调修饰符" elseif 0xa720 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa7ff then ji = "拉丁语扩D" elseif 0xa800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa82f then ji = "锡尔赫特文" elseif 0xa830 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa83f then ji = "常用印度数字形式" elseif 0xa840 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa87f then ji = "八思巴字" elseif 0xa880 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa8df then ji = "索拉什特拉语" elseif 0xa8e0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa8ff then ji = "天城文扩" elseif 0xa900 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa92f then ji = "克耶字母" elseif 0xa930 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa95f then ji = "拉让语" elseif 0xa960 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa97f then ji = "韩文字母扩A" elseif 0xa980 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa9df then ji = "爪哇语" elseif 0xa9e0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xa9ff then ji = "缅甸语扩B" elseif 0xaa00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xaa5f then ji = "占语" elseif 0xaa60 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xaa7f then ji = "缅甸语扩A" elseif 0xaa80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xaadf then ji = "傣文" elseif 0xaae0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xaaff then ji = "曼尼普尔语扩" elseif 0xab00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xab2f then ji = "阿姆哈拉语扩A" elseif 0xab30 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xab6f then ji = "拉丁文扩E" elseif 0xab70 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xabbf then ji = "切罗基语补" elseif 0xabc0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xabff then ji = "曼尼普尔语" elseif 0xac00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xd7af then ji = "韩文音节" elseif 0xd7b0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xd7ff then ji = "韩文字母扩B" elseif 0xd800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xdb7f then ji = "高位替代区" elseif 0xdb80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xdbff then ji = "高位专用替代" elseif 0xdc00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xdfff then ji = "低位替代区" elseif 0xfb00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xfb4f then ji = "字母连写形式" elseif 0xfb50 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xfdff then ji = "阿拉伯语表现形式-A" elseif 0xfe00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xfe0f then ji = "变体选择器" elseif 0xfe10 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xfe1f then ji = "竖排形式" elseif 0xfe20 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xfe2f then ji = "组合用半符号" elseif 0xfe30 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xfe4f then ji = "中日韩兼容形式" elseif 0xfe50 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xfe6f then ji = "小型变体形式" elseif 0xfe70 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xfeff then ji = "阿拉伯语表现形式-B" elseif 0xff00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xffef then ji = "字符" elseif 0xfff0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xffff then ji = "特殊字符" elseif 0x10000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1007f then ji = "线形文字B音节" elseif 0x10080 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x100ff then ji = "线形文字B表意文字" elseif 0x10100 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1013f then ji = "爱琴海数字" elseif 0x10140 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1018f then ji = "古希腊数字" elseif 0x10190 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x101cf then ji = "古罗马符号" elseif 0x101d0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x101ff then ji = "斐斯托斯圆盘古文字" elseif 0x10280 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1029f then ji = "吕基亚语" elseif 0x102a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x102df then ji = "卡里亚字母" elseif 0x102e0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x102ff then ji = "科普特闰余数字" elseif 0x10300 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1032f then ji = "古意大利字母" elseif 0x10330 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1034f then ji = "哥特字母" elseif 0x10350 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1037f then ji = "古彼尔姆文" elseif 0x10380 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1039f then ji = "乌加里特语" elseif 0x103a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x103df then ji = "古波斯语" elseif 0x10400 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1044f then ji = "德瑟雷特字母" elseif 0x10450 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1047f then ji = "萧伯纳字母" elseif 0x10480 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x104af then ji = "奥斯曼亚字母" elseif 0x104b0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x104ff then ji = "欧塞奇字母" elseif 0x10500 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1052f then ji = "爱尔巴桑字母" elseif 0x10530 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1056f then ji = "高加索阿尔巴尼亚语言" elseif 0x10600 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1077f then ji = "线性文字A" elseif 0x10800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1083f then ji = "塞浦路斯语音节" elseif 0x10840 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1085f then ji = "帝国阿拉姆語" elseif 0x10860 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1087f then ji = "巴尔米拉字母" elseif 0x10880 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x108af then ji = "纳巴泰字母" elseif 0x108e0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x108ff then ji = "哈特兰字母" elseif 0x10900 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1091f then ji = "腓尼基字母" elseif 0x10920 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1093f then ji = "吕底亚语" elseif 0x10980 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1099f then ji = "麦罗埃象形文字" elseif 0x109a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x109ff then ji = "麦罗埃文草体字" elseif 0x10a00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10a5f then ji = "佉卢文" elseif 0x10a60 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10a7f then ji = "古南部阿拉伯语" elseif 0x10a80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10a9f then ji = "古北部阿拉伯语" elseif 0x10ac0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10aff then ji = "摩尼字母" elseif 0x10b00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10b3f then ji = "阿维斯陀字母" elseif 0x10b40 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10b5f then ji = "碑刻帕提亚文" elseif 0x10b60 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10b7f then ji = "碑刻巴列维文" elseif 0x10b80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10baf then ji = "诗篇巴列维文" elseif 0x10c00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10c4f then ji = "古代突厥語" elseif 0x10c80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10cff then ji = "古匈牙利字母" elseif 0x10d00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10d3f then ji = "哈乃斐罗兴亚文字" elseif 0x10e60 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10e7f then ji = "鲁米数字符号" elseif 0x10e80 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10ebf then ji = "雅慈迪文字" elseif 0x10f00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10f2f then ji = "古粟特字母" elseif 0x10f30 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10f6f then ji = "粟特字母" elseif 0x10fb0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10fdf then ji = "花剌子模文字" elseif 0x10fe0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x10fff then ji = "以利买字母" elseif 0x11000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1107f then ji = "婆罗米文" elseif 0x11080 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x110cf then ji = "凯提文" elseif 0x110d0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x110ff then ji = "索拉僧平文字" elseif 0x11100 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1114f then ji = "查克马语" elseif 0x11150 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1117f then ji = "马哈雅尼文" elseif 0x11180 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x111df then ji = "夏拉达文" elseif 0x111e0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x111ff then ji = "古僧伽罗文数字" elseif 0x11200 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1124f then ji = "和卓文" elseif 0x11280 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x112af then ji = "木尔坦文" elseif 0x112b0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x112ff then ji = "库达瓦迪文" elseif 0x11300 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1137f then ji = "古兰塔文" elseif 0x11400 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1147f then ji = "尼瓦尔语" elseif 0x11480 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x114df then ji = "提尔胡塔文" elseif 0x11580 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x115ff then ji = "悉昙文字" elseif 0x11600 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1165f then ji = "莫迪文" elseif 0x11660 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1167f then ji = "蒙古语补" elseif 0x11680 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x116cf then ji = "塔克里文" elseif 0x11700 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1173f then ji = "阿洪姆语" elseif 0x11800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1184f then ji = "多格拉语" elseif 0x118a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x118ff then ji = "瓦兰齐地文" elseif 0x11900 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1195f then ji = "迪维希文字" elseif 0x119a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x119ff then ji = "南迪城文" elseif 0x11a00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x11a4f then ji = "札那巴札尔方形字母" elseif 0x11a50 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x11aaf then ji = "索永布字母" elseif 0x11ac0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x11aff then ji = "包钦豪文" elseif 0x11c00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x11c6f then ji = "拜克舒基文" elseif 0x11c70 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x11cbf then ji = "玛钦文" elseif 0x11d00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x11d5f then ji = "马萨拉姆贡德文字" elseif 0x11d60 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x11daf then ji = "贡贾拉贡德文" elseif 0x11ee0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x11eff then ji = "望加锡文" elseif 0x11fb0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x11fbf then ji = "傈僳文字补" elseif 0x11fc0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x11fff then ji = "泰米尔文补" elseif 0x12000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x123ff then ji = "楔形文字" elseif 0x12400 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1247f then ji = "楔形文字数字和标点符号" elseif 0x12480 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1254f then ji = "古代楔形文字" elseif 0x13000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1342f then ji = "埃及圣书体" elseif 0x13430 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1343f then ji = "埃及圣书体格式控制" elseif 0x14400 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1467f then ji = "安纳托利亚象形文字" elseif 0x16800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x16a3f then ji = "巴姆穆文字补" elseif 0x16a40 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x16a6f then ji = "默禄文" elseif 0x16ad0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x16aff then ji = "巴萨哇文字" elseif 0x16b00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x16b8f then ji = "帕哈苗文" elseif 0x16e40 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x16e9f then ji = "梅德法伊德林文" elseif 0x16f00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x16f9f then ji = "柏格理苗文" elseif 0x16fe0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x16fff then ji = "表意符号和标点符号" elseif 0x17000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x187ff then ji = "西夏文" elseif 0x18800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x18aff then ji = "西夏文部首" elseif 0x18b00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x18cff then ji = "契丹小字" elseif 0x18d00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x18d8f then ji = "西夏文字补" elseif 0x1b000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1b0ff then ji = "假名补" elseif 0x1b100 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1b12f then ji = "假名扩A" elseif 0x1b130 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1b16f then ji = "小型日文假名扩" elseif 0x1b170 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1b2ff then ji = "女书" elseif 0x1bc00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1bc9f then ji = "杜普雷速记" elseif 0x1bca0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1bcaf then ji = "速记格式控制符" elseif 0x1d000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1d0ff then ji = "拜占庭音乐符号" elseif 0x1d100 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1d1ff then ji = "音乐符号" elseif 0x1d200 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1d24f then ji = "古希腊音乐记号" elseif 0x1d2e0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1d2ff then ji = "玛雅数字" elseif 0x1d300 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1d35f then ji = "太玄经符号" elseif 0x1d360 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1d37f then ji = "算筹" elseif 0x1d400 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1d7ff then ji = "字母和数字符号" elseif 0x1d800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1daaf then ji = "萨顿书写符号" elseif 0x1e000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1e02f then ji = "格拉哥里字母补" elseif 0x1e100 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1e14f then ji = "尼亚坑普阿绰苗文" elseif 0x1e2c0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1e2ff then ji = "文乔字母" elseif 0x1e800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1e8df then ji = "门德基卡库文" elseif 0x1e900 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1e95f then ji = "阿德拉姆字母" elseif 0x1ec70 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1ecbf then ji = "印度西亚格数字" elseif 0x1ed00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1ed4f then ji = "奥斯曼西亚克数字" elseif 0x1ee00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1eeff then ji = "阿拉伯字母数字符号" elseif 0x1f000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f02f then ji = "麻将牌" elseif 0x1f030 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f09f then ji = "多米诺骨牌" elseif 0x1f0a0 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f0ff then ji = "扑克牌" elseif 0x1f100 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f1ff then ji = "带圈字母补" elseif 0x1f200 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f2ff then ji = "方框字补" elseif 0x1f300 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f5ff then ji = "杂符" elseif 0x1f600 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f64f then ji = "表情" elseif 0x1f650 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f67f then ji = "装饰符号" elseif 0x1f680 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f6ff then ji = "交通和地图符号" elseif 0x1f700 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f77f then ji = "炼金术符号" elseif 0x1f780 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f7ff then ji = "几何扩" elseif 0x1f800 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f8ff then ji = "追加箭头-C" elseif 0x1f900 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1f9ff then ji = "符号补" elseif 0x1fa00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1fa6f then ji = "象棋" elseif 0x1fa70 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1faff then ji = "符号和象形文字扩A" elseif 0x1fb00 <= danzi and danzi <= 0x1fbff then ji = "传统计算机符号" elseif 0xe0000 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xe007f then ji = "标签" elseif 0xe0100 <= danzi and danzi <= 0xe01ef then ji = "异体选择器补" --可根据需要自行修改字集 end return ji end local function C2U(char) local unicode_d = utf8.codepoint(char) local unicode_h = string.format('%X', unicode_d) return unicode_d,unicode_h end local function unicode_info(input, env) local context = env.engine.context local input_text = context.input local uninfo = context:get_option("uninfo") for cand in input:iter() do if #input_text >= 1 and uninfo then local char = cand.text if utf8.len(char) == 1 then local unicode_d,unicode_h = C2U(char) local ji = ziji(unicode_d) yield(Candidate(input_text, cand.start, cand._end, cand.text, cand.comment.."["..ji.." U+"..unicode_h.."]")) else yield(cand) end else yield(cand) end end end return unicode_info